Learning Outcomes

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

AI generated with Bing
  • Understand the legal, ethical and professional issues brought up by AI and the impact of AI on society
  • Understand and critically analyse the essential concepts, principles, methods, techniques and problems of AI
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of data requirements and programming paradigms applicable to AI
  • Apply and evaluate critically the various methods, tools and technologies applied to an AI project in order to develop an effective plan and delivery of solutions to a business problem


Collaborative Discussion 1


Why AI is now ubiquitous and why it is important for companies to invest in AI technologies?


An overview of the apparent ubiquity and importance of AI, including generative AI, to the media industry. Discusses Industry 4.0, 5.0, market projections and implications.

Peer Feedback to Initial Post

Described as an insightful, holistic, interesting, informative and fascinating post relating to AI in media and entertainment. Requests to clarify timescale and add further detail on socioeconomic implications of AI and global ethical regulatory collaboration.

Tutor Feedback

85% (Distinction) Outstanding criticality and in-depth analysis with excellent evidence of wider reading and in-depth understanding of issues relating to AI and its impact on society.


Collaborative Discussion 2


Identify and discuss two machine learning algorithms and the context in which they can be employed.


An overview of supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms, including the supervised bias-variance dilemma. Provides an overview of interpretable decision trees and examples such as predicting viewing habits. K-means clustering can personalise promotions to profitable clusters.

Peer Feedback to Initial Post

Described as an insightful, well-structured, logical, well-explained, succinct, concise, informative, very interesting, and enlightening post. The only actionable feedback was to add more detailed real-world examples.

Tutor Feedback

88% (Distinction) Excellent demonstration of criticality and in-depth analysis. Request was made to add reference to peer input (noted for future).


Essay: AI and Its Applications


Identify and discuss three areas where a made-up local start-up finance company could apply AI to facilitate operations and increase return on investment.


Discussed the possible benefits of AI across three areas for an ethical bank. These included: predicting customer churn, assessing startup potential and revenue forecasting.

Tutor Feedback

95% (Distinction) Overall, outstanding work done. Keep up with the great work! The report is well written and very easy to read – a delight to read! Positives were raised around identifying data source options and issues such as interpretability and post-hoc explainability. Request was made to define a term on first use (noted for future).


Report: AI Solution Implementation


Performed feasibility study using WEKA on one of the three key areas machine learning areas identified for the made-up finance company. Submitted a report, with screenshots from the model using WEKA.


Following the CRISP-DM methodology, created a banking customer churn analysis using a Kaggle dataset. Analysed supervised learning binary classification machine learning models k-nearest neighbor, decision tree, support vector machine and random forest. Reviewed dataset optimisation, hyperparameter tuning, and imbalanced and oversampled datasets. Trained on 90% with 10-fold cross-validation. Reviewed various metrics including AUC-ROC. Random forest outperformed the other models, even with hyperparameter tuning. The number of products and age were the most important parameters.

Tutor Feedback

96% (Distinction) Overall, outstanding work done. Well done for this high quality work. It was a delight to read. There is excellent justification of business context and use of data and algorithms. The implmentation was robust. You demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of machine learning modelling with WEKA and the algorithm used to train the model. You also employed good modelling practices by exploring the effect of change in various experimental setups on overall performance and quality of outputs which is excellent. Recommendation: Given the size of the dataset, you could mention the application of Deep Learning algorithms as a potential future work.